Builders Additives
Builder’s additives include paint and waterproofing solutions for seepage proofing, leakage proofing, cold joints solutions, tile & stone bonding as well as paints. Our product is known as ZycoPrime is an acrylic co-polymer emulsion supplied as a ready to use bonding agent with superior wet adhesion and universal compatibility. It is also a versatile latex that can be used as a cement modifier for spalled concrete slabs, overhangs, beams, columns and floors. It is also used as a bonding primer and porosity filler with ZycoSil+ during waterproofing applications.
- Waterproofing Membrane : Roof terraces, sunken portion of toilets & bathrooms, chhajas, balcony, etc.
- Concrete Repairs : Spalled concrete of slabs, chhajas, beams, columns, parapet, floor, etc.
- Waterproofing &/or Bonding Primer : Walls & slabs
- Multipurpose, UV stable & Economical
- When used in concrete / plaster, it prevents cracking
- It reduces drying and shrinkage cracks
- Reduces permeability of water
- Improves workability of concrete / plaster
- Bonds strongly with concrete, plasters, cementitious surfaces
- Reduces viscosity of cement-injection grout and tile adhesives for better fluidity & bonding
- Bonding Primer
To be used as a clear bonding primer by diluting 1:5 with water. Apply on the walls before painting or during putty rendering. - Waterproofing Primer
For priming of concrete substrate, the surface should be thoroughly saturated with ZycoSil+ solution (Dilution Ratio – 1 part ZycoSil+ : 20 parts potable Water : 2 parts of ZycoPrime+). - Waterproofing Membrane
For a waterproofing coating mix 1 part ZycoPrime+ with 1 part of cement & 1 part of 100 mesh
sand.Add water for brushability.
Brush apply the mix in span of 4-6 hours on the prepared concrete substrate. It is
recommended to saturate the surface with ZycoSil+ solution prior to this application.
- Bonding Primer